“Big John” was the worst ref, prove me wrong

If you watch old videos he constantly interjects himself into fights.

He talks constantly like he’s the main character in what’s going on. If he was a ref today he’d be deleted.

Before you talk shit, watch some old fights and present proof. I use to think he was good but in hindsight he is fucking terrible.


Yeah… weird way to spell Herb Dean.


The worst ref was the guy from UFC 1 lol. It was easy for Mccarthy to look good after that guy lol.


John did a lot of horrible stoppages in the early days. I think we can give him a pass since the whole thing was new and he was erroring on the side of safety but yeah if you watch his early work compared to modern refs its atrocious. He improved but I’d never say he was “the best” or even one of the best.


The Kamikaze tackles lol he broke a fighters nose


The best refs are the ones we never talk about.


Herb never tried to make his name off, of being a mma ref. At the very least he has professional recorded fights unlike “big” John.

Go back and watch old fights, there’s no defending how much he interjected himself into fights.

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He ain’t no Mazagatti.

I think we are forgetting that Cecil Peoples exists


Big John walked so Frank Trigg could run.

Everyone is going to make mistakes eventually. And refs have to make split second decisions that can wind up letting someone take too much damage or stopping the fight early. Its a tough job and doesnt help when you have wife beater Dana White shit talking you at the press conference if you ever make a mistake.


“20 seconds after being on the cage”

Let’s work!! Be a bad ass like me, let’s go!!

Seriously, go back and watch you’ll be surprised how much he interjects himself in fights.

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Yes “Big John” always thought he was a star like the fighters and just as tough as them.

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He was a brownbelt in BJJ at UFC1, IIRC.

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Since he was awarded his black belt in 2007 and UFC 2 was in 1994 I doubt he was a brown belt for 13 years.

Yeah, unfortunately he never got the chance to prove how much of a bad ass he was. Despite trying to get Tank banned like a little bitch.


Tara was a purple belt for nearly 20 years dude because of her not doing things traditionally. Just sayin.

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Oh, so was Big John a brown belt for 13 years then?

No idea dude. Why don’t you ask him?

Herb Dean flexed his political muscles behind the scenes a lot. He stops fights way fucking early and has for ages… he’s legit worse than Cecil. I said it.