Dana Snubs UFC Roster, Declares Trump The GOAT

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Who is the greatest fighter of all time?

According to UFC CEO Dana White, it’s former U.S. President Donald Trump, who will run for re-election against current Vice President Kamala Harris in early November. Trump previously served as Commander (and Combatant) In Chief from 2016-2020.

“Number one,” Trump told FOX News. “Take any of the greatest fighters of all time, Trump is number one. The most resilient human being that I have ever met in my life. Why keep doing this, you know? You’ve got money, you’ve got a great life, you’ve got whatever. Why keep doing this?”

Maybe this scouting report was right after all.

“The one thing I can tell you, and this is a fact, this guy loves this country,” White continued. “And he loves all Americans, regardless of what color, religion, or whatever it is. He’s not a racist, he’s a good human being, and he loves America and he cares about this country. Period. End of story. If he wasn’t that type of guy, I would never even associate myself with him.”

White has a personal relationship with Trump that dates back to the early days of UFC, when the promotion struggled to find acceptance (and regulation) for its unique brand of combat sports. Trump welcomed UFC with open arms, leading to multiple events at the real estate mogul’s Atlantic City casinos.

Just another day at the office for the “ultimate American badass.”

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Well then it’s official.

My MMAMath is showing Khabib is the GOAT

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Ill allow both

How many ufc fighters survived an assassination attempt ?

8 or 9

Should have just gone with tree fiddy.

Donald Trump Fight GIF by KarmaIQ