Nina Drama Fired by the UFC

At least you’re capable of dressing yourself


Surprisingly didn’t need both my eyes to accomplish that feat haha thank God!

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I mean the shirt could be a little bigger lol

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That was my last shift before they closed down so I got a lift in. Didn’t have any extra gear to change into so I just did my routine in my outfit. What’re ya gonna do, y’know?

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Do what the bros do. Take your shirt off and work out

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Looking good bro # NoHomo

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That an outdoor penitentiary gym

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This pic was from Dec. 30th last year and it was cold and windy. Pretty sure it rained off and on too. This facility I was working at had an insurance side and a side for convicts on their way back out to regular life. I used to work out with them all the time. I took my shirt off and lifted with them like back in the yard. Unique experience. Murderers…gangbangers…OG’s…you name it.


Well, from what I understand they aren’t allowed weights anymore on the yard so no. This was a drug rehabilitation center. It was very important that I didn’t get labeled a punk so I made sure to keep eye contact :eye: lol and hold my shoulders back. They were all pretty chill though. Thanks man, I’ve trained for quite some time. Started back in ‘99-‘00 bjj but on again off again shit. You know how it is. Got back into it seriously again in my mid-late 20’s. I’m 40 now.


Good to have you on board

Thanks! I feel like you’re welcomed here with open arms as long as you don’t act like a pussy lol


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Did any of them whistle at you?

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No way. We had a couple dudes in there though that I’m pretty sure got passed around. They were just so purposely effeminate. I’d have to do walkthroughs and I’d find them curled up on other dudes beds. Never saw anything sexual thankfully. Not sure what protocol would be. Didn’t read about that in the rule book. Splash water on them or something is my best guess. The other staff members I typically worked with didn’t like to converse with them much. At lunch they would eat in the office and hide out. I would sit in the chow area right in the middle and listen to their complaints and offer suggestions/support. Some of them were just stupid kids who got too deep into drugs. One of them didn’t have anything or anyone man. Felt bad. He had a small speaker to listen to music while working out that was a cheap piece of crap that broke. Got him a nicer one, wrapped it, and left it on his bed Christmas Eve when he wasn’t around. Didn’t put a card or anything. He showed promise. I sure hope he made it….anyways…I tried to meet them in the middle on a human level instead of just barking orders at them. I have stories man.


What state are you in . Dec 30th should be cold and windy especially in the UK, but I guess not like Miami of so cal

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SoCal. It got pretty cold there towards the end of the year….i mean, not in comparison to many other places but it got rainy and windy. I remember that day distinctly. Wasn’t that long ago.


Good on you bro. You can also tell these kids you lost your eye during a prison yard brawl

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My current weather in Celsius

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Which is fairly warm for this time of year

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Actually, I’ve never been inside. The furthest I ever got was the loop. Just bonded my way out. Probably should’ve just waited it out but I wasn’t in the mood for all of that. Life goes on. Coincidentally, I got my own holding cell since I noticeably had my eye situation so I didn’t have to sit and wait in the group cells. Felt like eternity though cause I was placed all the way at the end of the hall, no idea of the time, a toilet overflowing with piss, and a “Introduction to jail” video on the tv that looped nonstop in English and Spanish. I thought I was in some kinda fucking MK-Ultra experiment.