Dearest HKP - when you post these, could you please include the original air date in the title or the body?
-The Ice Bag
Absolutely , Text Read Last Month Air Date which is recent . I keep track as i posted LOP , JRE, Jaxxon on the UG. I didnt remember posting Iron Mike there. So when i saw this Tyson I posted because air date said on YT a Month Ago RTIB !
Is this old then?
? You’re trolling by posting something old? Or I am by asking if it is old based on the comments in this thread? Odd response dude.
This interview aired April 15, 2022.
OK fair enough , I usually post em live. This one said last month in their OP ? I figured still worth a listen .
My Bad then , I figured you were being facetious lol
If i remember correctly from th o.o.g we determined that the jre has been re uploading these since its back on youtube, hence the recent air date. Always double check the spotify to see the most recent. Keep up the good work HKP. We appreciate you sir.
Clutch , you are 100% on . It happened with Bucky. I will probably refrain from JRE because
like this , showed 1 month ago air date , i post it thinking its recent ? And we end up here. Ill be aware in teh future !
they all show 1 month ago air date !