You ever heard of chuck liddell

I trained guys like him


Chocolate L?


I’m retired fire police

This isn’t Omaha pal

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I’m LA’s finest

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200 pounds of what?

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Fuck is going on

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That’s it?

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Chuck Liedell yes, not the girl you are talking about.

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Imagine a battle to the death between that guy and this guy:

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3 way brawl with this guy

Suns out guns out

I remember that one lol

OP eats pieces of shit for breakfast?

He eats pieces of shit?

What a loser

So you werent impressed with chucks trainer

Of rhe 3. Who’s the douchiest

For golf course guy I remember a video where they interviewed one of his friends who claims he was normal until he suffered some kind of head injury.

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It’s between 1 and 3.

Saying you “trane MMA” and name dropping, is generally not a good look – and in a fucking Walmart or whatever in some random confrontation that was probably completely avoidable – it’s ridiculous.

Haven’t seen the golf cart one in a while…

But taking your shirt off and flexing before a possible “fight”, gets extra retarded bonus points.
The only way it’s even remotely acceptable is if he was trolling hard and trying to get on the Internet.
IIRC that was not the case, and homeboy had a reputation for confronting people.

I’ve gotta go with golf cart guy.

But they are all chuckleheads.


Hell yeah

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200 pounds, of ornery.