New downed opponent rule

Why have I not seen this discussed here? I had to learn about this from a fucking Instagram reel. Get your shit together, people. This is good news. A step in the right direction. #priderulesneverdie

  • New rule

A fighter is considered downed if any part of their body other than their hands or feet is in contact with the canvas. This means that kicks and knees to the head are legal if the fighter doesn’t have their knees or elbows on the mat.

  • Old rule

A fighter was considered downed if they had at least one hand down and any other body part was touching the floor. This made it illegal to throw kicks or knees to the head.

  • When the changes take effect

The new rules will go into effect on November 1, 2024. This gives fighters and referees time to adjust to the new standard and for officials to receive proper training.


I DID post it


I missed it. I would think Id see it talked about in various threads here. Nothing. I didnt know this was a thing until I saw a reel of Mike Beltran explaining the rule change.

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I tagged you just now

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Saw that. Thanks.

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Wow. That’s a huge change. If real, the lack of awareness will probably lead to a lot of confusion for a while. Assuming lots of fighters and refs probably aren’t clear on it either.

This seems like it will benefit wrestlers ulI would think?

I would prefer knees, soccer kicks, everything be allowed tbh.

There are arguments to be made for them.

Some say 1 knockout blow is better than 50-100 small concussions over time.

That is why boxing and football has a lot more CTE

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Will this neutralize wrestling a bit? How big does this change the game?

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I would think it would neutralize wrestlers, not help them. Now they are punished if they shoot and miss. When they post to get up, they can now be booted in the head to bolivia.


I was thinking it goes both ways as a wrestler is dragging someone down against the cage theybwould have more opportunities to knee. So spamming takedowns like merab may be an issue

This was talked about at-length on AltaGround. The biggest question was if it would be adopted everywhere of it there will be yet another set of rules that only some states adopt so it will vary from card to card.


I love this change in concept.

Lets see how it goes…


Lets get back to pride rules, inch by inch if necessary.


They’ve been talking about it forever, just waiting to see it

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Donald Glover Reaction GIF

Knees to the head you say…

Sport Mma GIF by UFC


Agree with the change.

its a change for the better, standing front headlocks, you can no longer reach down to the floor and be considered grounded. as well as wall walking when on the ground along the cage…

basically i think its just going to make it more difficult, more dangerous, when trying to get back to your feet once you are already on the ground.

At this rate we will finally have Pride rules by the year 2267


And that’s exactly how it should be