JJ was using open fingers to keep Miocic from closing the distance
Herb didn’t call a thing last night
JJ was using open fingers to keep Miocic from closing the distance
Herb didn’t call a thing last night
Half the time Herb was at Jones back like he was using Jones as way to block his view
Jones gets anything he wants in the UFC. Picos, immunity from legal troubles, cancel a PPV with no consequences, old eye poke gloves…i wouldn’t be surprised if Dana even held his dick for him when he pissed.
Can you ask Chris why he thinks no one has been vocal about this please?
Also tried it by raking his hand over Stipe’s face when they were on the ground.
Probably why Jon always asks for Herb and has refused other refs over the years.
Nothing wrong with that, imo. It’s a standing submission.
If you can do it while on the ground, you can do it standing without people bitching about it being cheap.
Hes not going for the sub, hes trying to damage the arm.
He probably gets a boost in testosterone when he does this
Dont watch him then. Turn off your tv, stop posting on Jones threads, stop giving him juice.
You are almost as bad as John Wick and his religion hate
You’re fucking retarded as usual. Great consistency
So kicking someones leg to damage it is cheap?
I thought he was trying to open up a cut.
He did. He opened the void for the biggest gaping axe wound the earth has ever seen. The crying kaiju have started to emerge and cry foul.